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World Jaguar Logistics Inc. is an international freight forwarding enterprise integrating sea transportation, air transportation, sea and rail transportation. Company routes complete, reasonable prices; Cooperative enterprises cover a full range of advantages over traditional freight forwarding. The company can provide you with a series of services such as booking space, trailer, interior loading, customs declaration, insurance, etc., and cooperate with many shipping companies to escort your cargo. view more
World Jaguar Logistics Inc. is committed to the development and development of international maritime transport, air transport, railway, multimodal transport, bonded Logistics, warehousing, cross-border e-commerce, customs declaration, insurance, packaging, distribution in one of the international freight forwarding services. view more
Here is our company news and industry news, to provide you with new industry trends. Company Industry Business
Relocation ceremony & Appreciation banquet of Worl.... 2025-03-05 On 5th March, World Jaguar Tianjin held the relocation.... 乔迁焕新·宏图再展|万嘉天津乔迁新址,共赴腾飞新程! 2025-03-05 百年甲午,廿载万嘉--万嘉威海分公司20周年庆典 2025-03-05 同心致嘉,创新致远--万嘉集团2025全国爱国主义教育之甲午风云,勿忘国耻 2025-03-05 山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高 --万嘉集团2025年迎春年会 2025-03-05 NANSHA/SHEKOU-HAIPHONG/HOCHIMINH 2024-06-18 view more China has overtaken Japan to become the largest ex.... 2023-06-25 Inthefirstquarterofthisyear,Chinahasexported1.07millionvehiclesandovertakenJapantobecomethelargestex.... view more NEW LCL CONSOLE SERVICES FROM HONG KONG TO GDANSK,.... 2024-07-09 view more 10,000 ㎡ Bonded warehouse 30,000㎡ Outdoor storage.... 2024-05-17 10,000㎡Bondedwarehouse30,000㎡ Outdoorstorageyard view more
World Jaguar Logistics Inc. has formed strategic cooperation with many national import and export freight forwarding companies and many global shipping companies to provide more powerful international freight forwarding and import and export customs clearance services for many trading customers.