

Ocean LCL service has been the brand service of World Jaguar since its establishment, and so far World Jaguar has direct service on more than 110 trade lanes. Based on good relationship with main shipping lines and its strength on cargo volumes, World Jaguar has reached competitive contract rates with many shipping lines. As long as in the area covered by World Jaguar’s network, customers can enjoy the advantaged ocean freight and considerable service without worrying transit time, transshipping or any other problems. 

World Jaguar owns direct LCL service to around 110 basic ports, which gives the reasonable and fast way to transit cargos to more than 1000 ports and inland cities worldwide. There are enough alternative vessels to basic ports of Europe, America and Asia-pacific areas, combining with storage and distribution organically.

Main Trade Lanes of Ocean LCL Exportation Service:

Hong Kong and Taiwan: direct LCL service to Hong Kong, Keelung, Kaohsiung, Taichung, and transshipping via Hong Kong to remote places of Taiwan and Macao  Tel: +86-0532-68607440, E-mail: hongkong@worldjaguar.com

Japan: direct service to Moji, Hakata, Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe  Tel: +86-0532-68607440, E-mail: japan@worldjaguar.com

Korea: direct service to Inchon, Busan, Pyeongtaek, and transshipping via Busan to Japanese remote ports  Tel: +86-0532-68607429, E-mail: korea@worldjaguar.com

USA: direct service to Los Angeles and New York, and transshipping to inland cities of USA 

Canada: direct service to Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, and transshipping to Canadian inland cities

Tel: +86-0532-85017707, E-mail: korea@worldjaguar.com

Central and South America: direct service to Callao, Manzanillo, Valparaiso, Guayaquil, Santos, Colon Free Zone, and transshipping service via CFZ to Central American and Caribbean areas

Tel: +86-0532-68607412, E-mail: southamerica@worldjaguar.com

Southeast Asia/India:direct service to Singapore and transshipping via Singapore to all over the world

Direct service to Fremantle, Ho Chi minh, Colombo, Chittagong, Haiphong, Kelang, Penang, Bangkok, Jakarta, Surabaya, Laem Chabang, Port Louis

E-mail: asia@worldjaguar.com

Madras(Chennai) (transshipping to Indian inland cities), Mumbai, Nhava Sheva(transshipping to Indian inland cities), Calcutta

E-mail: asia@worldjaguar.com

Australia and New Zealand: direct service to Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and transshipping to Australian inland cities; direct service to Auckland, and transshipping to inland cities of New Zealand and Pacific islands

Africa: direct service to Durban and Capetown, and transshipping to South African inland cities and African main cities.

E-mail: asia@worldjaguar.com

Middle East: direct service to Karachi, Dubai(transshipping to Middle East and the Red Sea areas), Mombasa, Dar-es-Salaam

Tel: +86-0532-68607433, +86-0532-68607434 

Email: asia@worldjaguar.com

direct service to Klaipeda, and transshipping to Tallin, Riga, Belarus, Russian ports and inland cities;

direct service to Rotterdam and Hamburg, and transshipping to European inland cities and West&North African areas;

direct service to Felixtowe, and transshipping to England, Welsh, Northern Ireland, Ireland

Tel: +86-0532-68607450, E-mail: europe@worldjaguar.com

Mediterranean: direct service to Koper, and transshipping to domestic inland cities and Central and Eastern European areas

direct service to Alexander and transshipping to other Egyptian cities

direct service to Istanbul and transshipping to other Turkish cities

direct service to Constanza and transshipping to other Romanian cities

direct service to Ashdod and Haifa, and transshipping to other Israeli cities

direct service to Barcelona and Valencia, and transshipping to other Spanish cities, Mediterranean areas and African areas

direct service to Genoa, and transshipping to other Italian cities and Mediterranean areas direct service to Beirut

Tel: +86-0532-68607421, +86-0532-68607422  E-mail: europe@worldjaguar.com

Speedster to Japan:

40 hours from Shidao to Osaka

40 hours from Shidao to Shimonoseki

60 hours from Weihai to Tokyo

Picking up can be done at the same day of the cargo arriving.

Tel: +86-0532-68607436, E-mail: shidao@worldjaguar.com