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NANSHA/SHEKOU-HAIPHONG/HOCHIMINH 2024-06-18 view more China has overtaken Japan to become the largest ex.... 2023-06-25 Inthefirstquarterofthisyear,Chinahasexported1.07millionvehiclesandovertakenJapantobecomethelargestex.... view more Djibouti Mandatory Request on ECTN for All Import .... 2023-06-16 Recently, the Djibouti Ports and Free Zone Authority impleme.... view more MSC Starts its New Route “Dalian-Indonesia and Mal.... 2023-06-16 On 12th June, MSC officially starts its new route &ldqu.... view more Low Utilization of Transport Capacity Causes the D.... 2023-06-16 On9th June,theShanghaiContainerFreightIndex(SCFI)fellagain.Thelowutilizationoftrans-Pacificrout.... view more Embrace the future,Open a new chapter, Alamedin Co.... 2023-06-10 view more 中欧班列“业绩”逆势增长 “一枝独秀”稳定外贸货运通道 全力承接海运、空运转移货源 2020-04-10 4月7日举行的国务院常务会议决定,积极应对疫情影响努力稳住外贸外资基本盘。要提升中欧班列等货运通道能力,推动改善货物接驳等条件,全力承接海运、空运转移货源,支持稳定国际供应链和复工复产。近两个月以来,.... view more 中欧班列将开通厦门至伦敦线路 2018-08-09 中欧班列增加新线路了!导报记者昨日从厦门自贸片区管委会获悉,中欧(厦门)班列将于近期开通厦门至英国伦敦线路。据悉,该趟班列将从厦门始发,经阿拉山口、波兰波兹南抵达德国杜伊斯堡,随后经法国和英吉利海峡隧.... view more “湘欧快线”株洲国际货运班列有望国庆节前实现班列首发 2018-07-06 7月3日讯从2号召开的相关会议上了解到,“湘欧快线”株洲国际货运班列有望在今年国庆节前实现班列首发。根据安排,7月上旬,完成三三六处铁路专用线海关监管场所建设位置和规模现场勘查.... view more 3日起重庆口岸进出口货物通关流程全程可查询 2018-07-06 出口货物通关流程全程可以查询了。7月3日起,在航空、水运、铁路口岸现场、收费大厅和重庆国际贸易“单一窗口”,进出口货物通关的“三公示”制度开始推行。此举.... view more FirstUp12NextLast