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NEW LCL CONSOLE SERVICES FROM HONG KONG TO GDANSK,.... 2024-07-09 view more 10,000 ㎡ Bonded warehouse 30,000㎡ Outdoor storage.... 2024-05-17 10,000㎡Bondedwarehouse30,000㎡ Outdoorstorageyard view more More than 1000 agents Network. Over 150 direct ser.... 2024-05-14 Morethan1000 agentsNetwork.Over150 directservices.Coveringmorethan1,000 ports view more Established in 2000. With more than 1400 employee.... 2024-05-07 view more Vision: Become a centenary navigator of global in.... 2024-04-30 view more Mission: Benefit WJ People, clients and society 2024-04-09 view more Core Values: Sincerity, Obligation and Innovation 2024-04-09 view more Operation Principles: Consolidate the causes by ex.... 2024-03-21 view more Service Principles: Coordinated development and wi.... 2024-03-01 view more Enterprise Spirits: Joint efforts enable goodness .... 2024-02-15 view more FirstUp12NextLast